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  • Joan Pask

Where does the customer sit in your business?

Companies are increasingly attributing their sales growth to investing in and focusing on the ‘customer proposition’ and ‘customer experience.’ Many are making plans and setting their business goal for 2022/23 to become customer centric throughout their business, setting ambitious targets for customers needs to be at the heart of all deeds and interactions.

This is supported by a recent report advising that 88% of respondents saying they are more likely to purchase from companies that deliver a personalised and connected cross-channel experience. 87% say a connected, customised purchasing experience would increase their loyalty.

At Marketing Mix Communications we have seen from working with our clients that today customers want to purchase on their terms. This means companies need to be open for business physically and/or online. It is clear that the winners will be those companies who put their customers at the heart of their business.

The more a business appeals to and talks direct to their customers through marketing activities such as newsletters, email campaigns, social media and public relations, the more customers will give that business their loyalty.

If you would like our support in understanding your customers' needs today and tomorrow alongside putting effective campaigns in place to increase your business growth and profitability, please contact us today.

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